Heather Byars
Offering piano lessons for ages 4 - adult with a professionally trained and highly experienced teacher.
Studio located in Vestavia Hills, central to Greater Birmingham.
"The gift of music lasts a lifetime, transcends all generations, and is an investment in the future!"

Music: A Gift
The gift of music lasts a lifetime, transcends all generations, and is an investment in the future. Often a gift you give yourself or your child is not tangible. For example, children enrolled in athletics learn cooperation and team effort while improving their health. Children enrolled in music activities gain individual achievement, personal expression, concentration, and persistence while developing physical dexterity, hand-eye coordination, and confidence in reaching their goals.
Mastering an instrument requires discipline, doing what you need to get done when you need to do it. It also requires responsibility, knowing what you're supposed to do, and taking responsibility for getting it done yourself. Most children are not innately disciplined and responsible. However, parents and teachers can step in to teach these critical life skills through the activities that we lead them to and through the examples that we set ourselves. Once a child begins to reap the rewards of their efforts, they feel a sense of accomplishment that is a learned response. In a testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives, Joan Schmidt, member of the board of directors for the National School Boards Association (NSBA), said, "I'm here to tell you that NSBA supports raising student achievement, and we know music can do that. Students who participate in music earn higher grades and score better on standardized tests." How amazing that, through something as special and extraordinarily beautiful as music, we have the ability to empower students and prepare them for handling life's challenges.
One of the greatest gifts adults can give themselves and their children is the study of music to relieve stress, to challenge their minds, to establish family traditions, to encourage creativity, and to take part in a movement to keep society civilized by enriching it with beauty and respect for intellectual pursuits.
What are Piano Lessons Like?
Lesson plans are uniquely tailored to meet the needs of each student while concentrating on all the basic elements of musicianship. We select appropriate and interesting repertoire from a pedagogically sound series and supplement it with music of the student's choice. Music theory, ear training, music history, piano technique, and performance practice will all be incorporated. Piano lessons take place in a peaceful home setting in a room reserved for this purpose. While there may be no official code for piano instructors to follow, I have set the standard of always being professional, encouraging, positive, and interested in my students, while guiding them to give their very best effort and reach their highest potential.
Piano Recitals
Throughout the year students will be offered a variety of performance opportunities including formal and informal recitals as well as community service. Students are also encouraged to participate in piano competitions sponsored by the Music Teacher's National Association and the National Federation of Music Clubs. Birmingham Keyboard Arts Center students continue to earn highest ratings at these events.
Theory and Musicianship Classes
Throughout the year students are invited to sign up for group piano classes at the studio. These classes are free. We work on theory, music history, and performing as well as have a lot of fun socializing.
Lending Library
Another unique feature of our studio is the media lending library. Students are encouraged to check out relevant computer software, recordings, and books to explore further at home.
Positive and encouraging relationships are the SECRET OF OUR SUCCESS!